Interactive Nano-Visualization for Science and Engineering Education |
Interactive Nano-Visualization for Science and Engineering EducationProf. B.L. Ramakrishna
Department of Plant Biology and Center for Solid State Science
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona , USA

2. August 10.00 Uhr
Grosser Hörsaal 1 Pharma/Biozentrum map
Klingelbergstr. 50 / 4056 Basel
The Interactive Nano-Visualization for Science and Engineering Education (IN-VSEE) Project ( has developed a number of web-accessible resources, namely: its web-operable scanning probe microscope; a gallery containing more 1000 microscope images, animations, and interactive activities; and a collection of educational modules and lessons. These resources were developed to expose students, at the beginning college levels, and educators to the exciting field of nanotechnology and materials science.
This presentation will focus on: (1) the development of the IN-VSEE project, (2) the web-accessible resources that it has developed, (3) how these resources can be used to foster collaborative learning and collaboration between groups of educators and researchers, and (4) discuss future prospects for further impact using these resources, such as the designing of lessons using interactive activities and images and learning how to design an experiment for the remote SPM. Some details will be presented on (a) how to incorporate educational materials into lecture and laboratory sessions, (b) how to build student-scientist partnerships for nanotechnology education, and (c) our experience with mentoring students in the designing of remote experiments. A live Remote SPM session will also be demonstrated.
Talk: download (2.8 MB)
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NCCR Nanoscale Science
Swiss Virtual Campus