PARS Workshop 2003 (20.-21.3.2003) |
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Monitoring and Controlling Scientific Experiments: Anywhere - Anytime
Christian Wattinger, Peter Fornaro, Martin Guggisberg, Tibor Gyalog, and Helmar Burkhart
Departement Informatik, University of Basel
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«Monitoring and controlling a scientific experiment from your mobile device anywhere and anytime» this is the goal of the MURCI (Mobile Universal Remote Control Interface) project at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Basel. Mobile devices, such as mobile phones and PDAs, include always-on wireless networking, persistent memory, computational capabilities, as well as enhanced user interfaces and allow the uploading of small programs that exploit these abilities. This opens the concept of remote, real-time control of experiments. First demonstrations in the field of nanosciences already exist and are sketched in this talk.
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