Tomlinson Movie
Macroscopic Friction
The law of Leonardo (da Vinci)
The law of Euler and Amontons
The law of Coulomb
Historical abstract
Adhesion models
Friction Force Microscopy
Principle of measuring
Measuring Topology
Measuring Friction
Both Channels
Self assessment
Tomlinson's mechanism
Phenomenology I
Phenomenology II
Mechanical adiabaticity
Distinguish positions
Playing Tomlinson
Friction - a pinning problem
2D Friction
Critical Curves
Historical Background
Research Projects
Simulator Tutorial
The first Picture
The Panels
Post processing

Adhesion models


Caused by adhesion the water runs along the glass and does not fall straight.

Adhesion is caused by intermolecular forces between the interface of materials. An example for adhesion is glueing materials together.

In 1950 F. P. Bowden and D. Tabor produced a collection of knowledge on friction and lubrication, where it must be noticed that most results given in the book were obtained by themselves. The book The friction and lubrication of solids has become the standard work on friction and lubrication for a couple of decades. Based upon their knowledge about friction, Bowden and Tabor presented a simple model for friction on a micrometer scale: The Bowden and Tabor adhesion model or plastic junction model. The model assumes that friction is proportional to both the real area of contact and a mean lateral force per unit area, the so-called shear strength.

Since friction is proportional to the real area of contact in this model as is adhesion, the model may be called adhesion model. The energy loss in the friction mechanism is described as plastic deformation of the asperities. Thus, it also may be called plastic junction model. The understanding of friction at the micrometer scale has been reduced to an understanding of two new quantities: shear strength and area of contact.

  Asperities                This is the end of the trail

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