RAFM - An Extensible Technologie
Technical Details
The software design basically features three, strongly separated layers. A storage that stacks commands and responses, a so-called queue, is the interface between them. Every layer runs as an autonomous application. The three layers comprehend the following implementations:
- The hardware layer encapsulates the protocol of the microscope and the logic to drive the sample stage
- The middle-ware layer contains the whole functionality
- In the top layer are either the user interface or the network connectivity implemented
By replacing the top layer, the instrument can be operated locally as well as from any place by using a standard TCP/IP ethernet network connection. Replacing a layer just means to run another corresponding application. The software is kept strongly modular and encapsulated, which means, due to the graphical nature of LabView, modifications and customizations can be done very quickly. LabView offers a wide range of pre-designed modules that can easily be integrated within the microscope software. Such modules are filters, mathematical functions or tools to visualize data.
Different layers keep the software stable and flexible. Every layer runs as an autonomus application and the communication is done with queues.